Learning the alphabet can begin anytime from infancy to
preschool. A huge assortment of classic toys have that purpose in the design, including letter shapes or a list of the alphabet as part of the toy, but you don’t have to spend extra money to learn the alphabet many
effective methods.
Reading Together
One-on-one read-alongs have long been the standard way to teach reading skills to
preschoolers. For learning the alphabet, look for children’s books that go through each letter one by one with large graphics that display the letters prominently. As your child gains proficiency, read-alongs allow a seamless progression into learning to read words.
Tactile Learning
Alphabet shaped toys or blocks are ideal for teaching young minds the alphabet. You can start with alphabet blocks in infancy and progress to wooden cutouts or even a set of alphabet cookie cutters as your child get a bit older.
Art With Letters
Making letters is a great teacher. Construction paper cutouts, building letters with legos, or just getting a little dirty with letter-shaped mud pies are all excellent ways to learn the alphabet. Similarly, drawing letters or using crayons or glitter markers to color the alphabet is also big fun for little kids. Even sidewalk chalk gives your child a sensory method of practicing in a way that she can easily share with family or friends.
Edible Alphabet
Many canned foods are available with letter shapes, including soups, pasta, and cereal. But you can take the alphabet a little further by purchasing a set of alphabet cookie cutters and baking up some letters, cutting out delicious letter toast bites, and alphabet fruit slices.
Alphabet Adventures
Everywhere you go with your child, you will find signs.
Make a game of finding each letter of the alphabet on license plates, in the grocery store, or on road signs. You can even make up a packet of index cards or post-it note letters and make a game of scavenger hunt out of trying to find every letter of the alphabet.
Practicing in an assortment of ways will provide the best results for learning the alphabet. Once your preschooler realizes that letters are a major aspect of life, she will eagerly look for ways to show off how well she has mastered the alphabet.