Music is an essential part of the Montessori preschool in Winnetka. Kids need to play, dance, and listen to music for their physical, mental, and emotional development. Dancing to music or banging on impromptu instruments helps children develop critical fine motor skills. At the same time, children develop critical thinking and interactive skills.
Lead By Example
Participation is the best way to help Montessori preschool children develop critical movement and musical abilities. To encourage participation, children should be given role models. Parents and teachers can sing along, dance, and demonstrate how to express musical appreciation. Children might not know how to sing or dance, or they might feel self-conscious. It’s important to show that singing and dancing is celebrated no matter their skill level.Provide Opportunity
Include music and movement in your child’s daily routine. You don’t have to set aside a specific time or place, but you should make sure that music is available throughout the day. When music is a routine part of daily life, interacting with it positively will become a routine response.Encourage Interests
Pay attention to your child’s interests and inclinations. Do they like to bang on pots and pans? Are they fascinated by the tinkling sound of pianos? Focus on the music and instruments your kids like and encourage them to be more involved. Dancing and singing to a specific genre helps you narrow down the choices, and educational or sing-along games that feature music and instruments are popular with young kids.Offer Instruments
A wooden spoon and pot are often the first musical instrument kids discover, and that indicates a willingness to embrace music and movement. Your child’s curiosity should be expanded and explored. Offer miniature versions of stringed instruments, xylophones, keyboards, and other instruments you can get your hands on. By making an assortment of instruments available, you give your children the chance to choose the ones they have the most interest in. Music and movement are vital for your child’s development. Providing them with access to music and the opportunity to respond to it through movement and participation helps them develop physical and mental skills. It also gives them important lessons in interacting with others by providing a common ground for individual self-expression.