The frightening aspects of Halloween are generally avoided by your Montessori preschool in Agoura. Instead, more focus is put on the bounty of the harvest and all of the good things that come during the fall. To that end, we have come up with 3 wonderful ways to celebrate the season without resorting to imaginary ghosts and goblins.
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
5 Easy Halloween Festival Ideas for Montessori Preschool in Chatsworth
The history of Halloween is a great subject to learn about at your Montessori preschool in Chatsworth. On the other hand, a fall festival with exciting games, educational activities, and loads of fun is more appropriate in the Montessori style of education. These 5 ideas will get you started and are sure to give you some unique ideas to build on.
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
5 Harvest Celebration Ideas As An Alternative to Halloween
As the fall season gets underway, many parents are looking for Halloween alternatives that allow daycare children to experience the season without the pagan undertones. To assist you in the search, we have compiled a collection of exciting and educational activities that celebrate the fall harvest.
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
3 Ways To Improve Preschool Learning Through Better Sleep Routine
Research on how much sleep is ideal for children has been undertaken hundreds of times, and always verifies that preschool children need to get enough sleep on a regular basis to maintain their academic and physical activity levels. The sleep can be divided between nighttime sleep and one or two daytime naps to provide the best effect, so long as there is ample opportunity to get enough. To better illustrate the importance of sleep for small children, here are 3 major ways that a good sleep routine leads to a better student.