Wednesday, August 21, 2019

What Children Learn in Montessori Kindergarten

What Children Learn in Montessori Kindergarten

In Montessori, kindergarten is when your children advance into “big kids school” and put the concepts they have learned in preschool into practical usage. Basic concepts like letters and numbers transform into reading and addition, children are introduced to the sciences, and their socialization skills are refined into etiquette and responsibility.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Transitioning from Preschool to Montessori Elementary School

Transitioning from Preschool to Montessori Elementary School

Moving up from preschool to the more structured environment of Montessori elementary school can be stressful for your children because it involves unfamiliar changes in location, interactions, and routines. To make the transition easier, you can take some steps to remove some of the apprehension from the equation.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Montessori Preschool Anxiety: Making Drop-Offs Less Painful

Montessori Preschool: Separation Anxiety

The first days attending Montessori preschool can be painful for both parents and their children. In order to minimize the stress of being dropped off at preschool, we recommend introducing your child to the teachers and staff before school begins to promote familiarity, as well as following some of these other tips on making drop-offs less painful.