Fall is a perfect time to engage your private kindergarten student in simple crafts focused in the season. From artwork to three-dimensional projects that feature natural aspects of autumn, your daughter will have a blast with these easy and inexpensive craft suggestions.
Autumn Collage
This private kindergarten activity consists of collecting leaves, cones, and other seasonal items. Use glue or paste to fasten the best exhibits to construction paper. The finished product can be displayed on the fridge, in the family room, or hung on a wall in a conspicuous location.Fall Centerpiece
Similar to the Autumn Collage, this craft begins with collecting key elements in the yard or park. Look for pine cones, fall leaves, holly leaves, etc. You will also want to purchase a miniature pumpkin and perhaps some Flint corn, better known as Indian corn.Popsicle Stick Faces
This fun craft requires 7 popsicle sticks, paste, small hook and loop fasteners, and a selection of construction paper cut-outs of eyes, noses, and mouths. Position 6 sticks side-by-side, and then apply the paste to the final stick, affixing it across the others, paste-side down, a finger-width or two down from the top. Paste the fastener bases in positions for eyes, nose, and a few for the mouth. Cut the mouths in half so you can mix them up for funny faces.Corn and Sunflowers
Uncooked corn and sunflower seeds are the basic ingredients of this craft. It begins with decorating a paper plate using crayons, and then using the seeds and paste to create flowers and corn on the plate. It helps to trace out the pattern you are going to fill with seeds after the plate has been colored.Apple Stamp Sun Catchers
Apple stamps are fun and easy. Just cut an apple in half, dip the flat side in a saucer of watercolor paint, and then then “stamp” the apple on construction paper. Use different colors for variety, and imitate the apple stem with a small bit of yarn pasted in place. Save the seeds when you cut the apple, and paste a couple on each stamp.These are very basic ideas, each with plenty of room for customization. The idea is to teach your children about the harvest season through activities that involve materials associated with autumn. Doing so also helps reinforce the Montessori method of learning and encourages independence and confidence.