Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Montessori Practical Life Experience With Healthy Snacks

Montessori Practical Life Experience With Healthy Snacks - Montessori preschool - Montessori West.jpg

You Montessori preschool uses quite a few practical life experiences to help with childhood development. Snack time alone provides a host of opportunities for building self-esteem, fine motor control, and lots of fun.

Fruit Slicers

Having a prepared environment is important. For your preschool child, an ordinary apple slicer is an amazing piece of industrial technology. Learning to place the slicer over the apple stem and push it down to magically create equal apple slices is a feat small kids will want to try over and over-- especially when a piece of fresh fruit is the ultimate reward.

Measuring and Mixing

No Montessori preschool is complete without a set of measuring cups and spoons. Toddlers can being learning to pour and measure as toddlers and will be ready to help with odd jobs around the kitchen by the time they graduate preschool. Not only is this practical experience for life, but it also introduces math concepts like volume, and allows concurrently learning American and metric measuring systems.

Settings and Servings

Setting a table for meal or snack times is another practical life activity that will teach a variety of basic skills. Counting and sorting into sets are obvious skills, but there are more abstract concepts as well, including the use of patterns, and critical thinking. By involving preschool students in setting the table, you also give them a sense of inclusion as they learn to participate in regular family routines.

The Blindfold Taste Test

Finally, an exciting way to gain practical experience with healthy foods is to have a blindfolded taste test. This sensorial adventure helps your child learn to use touch, taste, and feel to solve critical thinking puzzles. It is also a great way to introduce new foods for your daughter to try in a purely “scientific” way by first trying an unknown food and then trying to describe it sight unseen.

Practical life skills are important for preschool students. In addition to honing physical and mental skills, they also provide children with an insight into cultural and social “norms” that they are expected to follow as part of a larger community.