Instilling personal confidence in children is an important part of the
Montessori preschool. Helping your preschoolers feel better about themselves gives them the confidence to take action, the ability to see the better qualities in others, and the confidence to attempt new things and experience new situations.
Be the Role Model
Perhaps the first rule in building self-confidence is to display what you want to teach. You are the best role model for your child, and how she perceives you will determine how she acts herself. Point out your own best traits and those of your daughter as well. Teach her that everyone has admirable qualities, even those who have a disability or other disorder.
Words Have Power
Avoid saying things such as “I don’t know” or “maybe” and practice using definitive speech such as “yes,” “no,” “I will,” or “I won’t.” Using assertive speech shows your child an alternative to indecisiveness. Similarly, always speak clearly, pronouncing your words in such a way that there can be no doubt about your intended message. Muttering or talking under your breath does not display the kind of confidence you want your child to exhibit, so
encourage him to be more definitive.
Can-Do Attitude
If you show confidence in your child’s abilities, you help him develop confidence in himself. Even if he is attempting a new activity, give him encouragement and talk about how you are certain he will do well. If he flounders, be positive about that as well, commenting about how the best things take practice, and point out the parts he did get right from the outset.
How Chores Build Confidence
Household chores help build confidence as well. Feeding the family pet, for instance, teaches her that the pet depends on her for nourishment and love. Knowing that she is important to pets and other people gives her the courage to try new things and the confidence to act of her own accord.
The importance of being a role model for your children cannot be understated. Even when you are not around, your child will be looking at the examples you have provided to help him make the most appropriate decisions, take chances, and provide assistance for those around him.