A solid partnership between school and home is critical to raising a
Montessori preschool child. However, most parents, especially those educated in the traditional school system, are usually unsure of what they can do to prepare their children to build on the skills they learn in class. Here are some ways to help you Montessori preschooler flourish in and out of the classroom.
Allow Your Child to be Independent
It’s important to know your child’s limits and allow him to do what he can do for himself. Of course, leaving him to struggle with an impossible task will just be a source of frustration, but good parenting doesn’t mean doing things for your children. You need to know their limits so you can allow them to work within them.
Montessori preschool classroom is set up to allow pupils to explore and get to experience the great feeling of figuring things out by themselves. If you want to raise your child to be independent, you need to avoid rushing to help him with tasks that he can manage. You will be giving him the opportunity to practice new skills and he’ll feel capable.
Have Simple and Consistent Procedures
Unrushed, regular routines at home help provide comfort and security. Establish routines and be consistently consistent with systems and procedures. Show your child where to put stuff and what to do after school. Whenever possible, make every effort to stick to schedules, allow adequate time, and be on time. It’s also important to allow some unstructured time for your child to explore and play. When there are changes, let your child know what’s to come.
Empower Your Child
While children love playing, they’re not always interested in doing frivolous things. Sometimes they want to feel like a part of a social group. And that can be achieved by allowing them to contribute something to it. The Montessori preschool system incorporates practical life activities that let children do things that are educational and meaningful. When asked to store away their toys after playing with them, they know they’re playing a role in maintaining order and creating a serene environment.
At home, you can give your children meaningful tasks, especially those they express interest in, to ensure they take part in household activities. Invite them to help with cleaning, sorting laundry or silverware, or setting the table. Take time to show them how to successfully complete such tasks.
Respect your Child
As you help your child with all the unique needs, joys, and discoveries that come with childhood, you also need to prepare her for adulthood. And respect is one of the important elements that you must not forget. In a Montessori preschool, respect is modeled with
classroom greetings. Every morning, students are greeted with some welcoming words and a handshake. This helps involve children in one of the rituals of adulthood and also sets a positive tone.
Listen to your child and be deliberate in actions. Whatever you do will help her sculpt her future self. So, don’t think that she is too young to understand or take part in some routines.
Don’t Motivate Your Child with Bribes and Punishments
You want to raise a person who doesn’t have to be threatened or incentivized to make informed decisions. When possible, consider using natural consequences. If the rule is no jumping on the bed, and your child falls and bumps his head after breaking the rule, that’s a natural consequence. When natural consequences do not exist, find a logical consequence. For instance, if your child refuses to clean up after herself, then he doesn’t get to use that toy for some time. Be sure to stay firm with your decisions.
Imparting these important qualities will give your child the foundation for an independent, meaning, and happy life. And to better provide your Montessori preschooler with the opportunities and tools they need to succeed, you may want to build on your existing knowledge of the system and your child’s development stages.